Vibrating screens

Category: Screeners

Our vibrating screens are designed to sort loose materials into fractions whose size depends on the number of sieves used and the grates size used in the aforementioned sieves. It is easy to operate with a simple design and, thanks to its compact and closed construction, takes up little space in the processing line. Flexible sleeves provide the connections between the screen and the feeding and receiving equipment. Moreover, it is possible to manufacture the screen with a design that prevents dust from entering the machine. The screens have a closed housing made of S235 structural steel. Depending on needs and application, they can offer capacities from 2 t/h to 25 t/h.


Basic parameters:
Model/Type CPWP
Material structural steel
Overlay paint, spray painting
Drive type BM15-0200
Drive electric engine 400 V
Capacity 2 – 12 t/h
Manufacturer Comerc